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Clarifying All Your Queries Under One Roof

Why should I consider solar energy for my home or business?

Solar energy is renewable, environmentally friendly, and can help you save significantly on electricity bills. India is blessed with abundant sunshine throughout the year, making it one of the world’s top solar energy potential areas.

What types of solar modules does Jakson offer?

Jakson offers a variety of high-efficiency solar modules suitable for both residential and commercial applications. These modules are designed to withstand the Indian climate and provide optimal energy generation. 

Full-cell Polycrystalline Modules, MonoPERC Modules, and DCR Solar Modules ranging from 160 Wp to 405 Wp.

How do solar rooftops work?

Solar rooftops consist of solar panels mounted on the roof of a building. These panels capture sunlight and convert it into electricity, which can be used to power your home or business.

How does a solar inverter work?

A solar inverter converts the direct current (DC) generated by solar panels into alternating current (AC), which is the standard form of electricity used in homes and businesses.

How do I maintain my solar system?

Solar systems generally require minimal maintenance. However, it’s good to regularly clean the panels and ensure that they are free from shade or obstructions. Jakson also offers maintenance services to keep your system running efficiently. 

Do I need any permissions or approvals to install a solar system at my home or business?

Installation regulations can vary by state and locality. However, Jakson’s team will guide you through any necessary permissions or approvals required for your specific region. 

Can I store the excess solar energy for later use?

Yes, with the addition of a solar battery storage system, you can store excess energy generated during the day to be used during the night or cloudy days. 

What kind of warranty does Jakson offer on its solar products?

Jakson stands by the quality of its products and offers comprehensive warranties. The specific warranty period and terms vary by product, so it’s best to check with our sales or support team for details. 

How much roof space will I need for a solar array?

The space required for a solar array is influenced by various factors, including: 

Roof Slope & Design  

Unfortunately, not every square foot of your roof is usable space for a solar installation. The slope of your roof can make it impossible to install solar panels in certain areas, as can design elements like a chimney or skylight. Ideally, you’ll want a large plane of empty roof space. 


The amount of sunlight your solar panels receive will determine how much power they can produce. Solar panel output will be reduced if they receive shade. To compensate for the decreased output, you’ll need more solar panels to produce the same amount of electricity as you would in direct sunlight. 

Obstacles like trees and surrounding buildings can cast shade on your solar panels. While you can’t knock down buildings to get better sunlight access, you may be able to trim trees or branches to reduce shade. We can help you determine whether tree removal will improve your solar viability. 

Roof Direction  

The direction your roof faces also impacts its solar viability. South-facing roofs are best for solar panels, but we can get creative with your solar design to maximize production no matter what direction your roof faces. 

So, when you consider installing a solar array on your roof, please consider experts from Jakson Solar to harness the maximum solar potential. 

For instance, each square foot of roof area has the capacity to produce approximately 15 watts of solar energy. Consequently, a modest residence may only necessitate around 200 square feet of roof space for a solar panel installation, whereas a larger home could require over 1,000 square feet to effectively counterbalance electricity consumption 

What is the difference between on-grid and off-grid solar systems?

An on-grid system indicates your solar setup is linked to your utility company’s network. It is more prevalent because users receive coverage from their utility company even if their solar systems underperform or experience malfunctions. Additionally, in cases where users generate surplus energy, it can be fed back into the grid, earning the user credits. These credits can be utilized or cashed out after the billing cycle, subject to state net metering policies. This reciprocal process is commonly known as net metering. 

On the other hand, an off-grid solar power system is not connected to the utility grid and uses an additional battery system. Usually, an off-grid system is designed to generate some excess electricity during the day, which is transferred to the battery systems for storage. The energy stored in the batteries can then be used at night or when it is cloudy. The users can opt for off-grid solar power systems per their energy goals. Based on the energy estimates, solar systems can be sized to generate enough energy to meet the user’s energy requirements around the clock. The essential advantage of using off-grid solar panels is that the user is not dependent on grid energy, which means a power failure or an outage would not affect the user in any way. 

How much will I really save on my electricity bills every month?

The amount you can save on your electricity bills each month by using solar energy depends on various factors, including: 

System Size: The larger the solar power system, the more energy it can generate, potentially covering a higher percentage of your electricity needs. 

Sunlight and Location: The amount of sun your location receives directly affects the efficiency of your solar panels. Regions with more sunlight generally result in higher energy yields. 

Energy Consumption: Your current energy consumption is a critical factor. Higher usage may require a larger solar system to offset your needs and achieve significant savings. 

Local Utility Rates: The rates you pay for electricity from your utility company impact your potential savings. Higher rates often mean more substantial savings through self-generated power. 

Incentives and Rebates: Government incentives, tax credits, and rebates can substantially reduce the upfront costs of installing solar panels, contributing to overall savings. 

Net Metering Policies: Favourable net metering policies in your area enable you to earn credits for the excess energy your solar system produces, potentially leading to additional savings. 

System Efficiency and Maintenance: The efficiency of your solar panels and how well you maintain the system over time can directly influence its performance and, consequently, impact your overall savings. 

Apart from cost benefits of up to 50% with Jakson Solar Products, it helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change. And to get a precise estimate of potential savings, it is highly advisable to consult with a solar energy professional from Jakson, or you can use the online calculator for the self-evaluation. 

Let understand this with an instance. In standard Indian scenarios, a 1 kW solar system is anticipated to produce around 4 units of electricity daily on an annual average, totalling 120 units monthly. 

For residential consumers, electricity rates can vary from 4 to 9 rupees per unit. Assuming it to be 8 rupees per unit, the calculated value of 120 units is (120*8) = Rs. 960. 

Consequently, the installation of a 1 kW solar system is projected to result in monthly savings of Rs. 960. 

How quickly will I see a return on my solar investment?

The “solar panel payback period” refers to the duration it takes to fully recover the cost of your solar power system through the savings achieved on your electricity expenses. The calculation involves subtracting solar incentives and rebates, along with monthly savings on your electric bill, from the total installation cost until the entire expense has been covered. Generally speaking, the returns on the solar investment depends on the factor like: 

Total system cost 

Solar incentives, rebates, and the federal tax credit 

Energy production from your solar system 

Cost of electricity and the rate of increase in that cost 

How quickly will I see a return on my solar investment?

Typically, with the combined savings on electricity bills and potential government incentives, many homeowners see a return on their solar investment within 3 to 7 years. The exact time frame depends on your installation’s specifics and local electricity rates. 

Are there financing options available for solar installations?

Yes! Jakson understands that the upfront cost can be a concern for many. We offer various financing options to suit different budgets, making solar energy accessible for all. 

Need to confirm 

What if I move houses? Can I take my solar setup with me?

While solar installations are designed for long-term use in one location, it’s technically possible to move them. If you’re relocating and wish to take your system with you, our team can assist with the process. 

Why choose Jakson for my solar needs?

Jakson has a rich legacy of 75 years, providing reliable and innovative energy solutions. Our commitment to quality, combined with impeccable customer service, makes us a preferred choice for thousands across India. 

What are solar panels, and how do they work?

Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic (PV) panels, are devices that convert sunlight into electricity. They consist of solar cells that absorb sunlight and generate an electric field, resulting in the flow of electricity. 

How does the amount of light hit a solar cell affect electricity production?

More light hitting a solar cell increases the electricity produced, as higher light intensity leads to more electrons being excited, resulting in a stronger electric current. 

How does solar power contribute to sustainable energy sources?

Solar power is abundant, renewable, and clean, making it an eco-friendly energy source that reduces reliance on fossil fuels and contributes to a sustainable energy future. 

How does solar power align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals?

Solar power aligns with UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) and Goal 13 (Climate Action), by providing clean and accessible energy while combating climate change. 

How does solar energy convert into usable electricity?

Sunlight hits the solar PV panels, creating an electric field. This generated electricity flows through wires to an inverter, where it is converted from DC to AC. The AC electricity powers buildings, and excess energy can be fed back to the grid. 

What is Jakson's solar panel manufacturing capacity?

Jakson is one of the top 10 solar panel manufacturers in India, with a state-of-the-art facility in Greater Noida producing up to 600 MW annually, set to increase to 1 GW. 

What solar products does Jakson offer in its portfolio, and who are they designed for?

Jakson’s solar products include solar panels, Module Mounting Structures, and Solar Power Packs. These cater to both B2B and B2C customers, including residential, commercial, and MSME clients. 

How does Jakson contribute to both residential and commercial solar applications?

Jakson provides a range of solar power packs from 1 KW to 60 KW, designed for solar rooftop installations in residential, commercial, and MSME settings. 

What is Jakson's Independent Power Producer (IPP) portfolio, and where are its solar projects located?

Jakson has a solar IPP portfolio of 200 MW, including operational plants in Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, with plans for an additional 120 MW in Assam and Uttar Pradesh. 

How do Jakson's solar energy projects contribute to sustainable power generation in India?

Jakson’s solar energy projects deliver sustainable and green power to the grid, aligning with India’s renewable energy goals and reducing carbon emissions while contributing to energy security. 

Are there any government subsidies available for solar?

India has implemented a solar subsidy program to increase the adoption of solar energy in residential areas. This initiative alleviates the financial strain associated with installing solar panels by offering financial aid to consumers.  

In late 2022, the Indian government unveiled the initiation of the second phase of the Rooftop Solar Programme. In this program, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is set to extend Central Financial Assistance to residential consumers to install rooftop solar systems (RTS).  

The execution of the program will be overseen by DISCOMs (Distribution Companies) and the relevant state agencies. The Central Financial Assistance has the added advantage of a direct benefit transfer (DBT) mechanism. It means that consumers will receive the incentive directly credited to their bank accounts.

The details are as follows:  

  • Solar energy systems with a capacity of up to 3 kW qualify for a subsidy of up to ₹14,588 per kilowatt. 
  • Systems with a capacity between 3 kW to 10 kW receive ₹14,588 per kilowatt for the initial 3 kW and ₹7,294 per kilowatt for the remaining capacity 
  • Installations exceeding 10 kW are eligible for a fixed amount of ₹94,822 
  • Resident Welfare Associations/Group Housing Societies (RWA/GHS) are entitled to ₹7,294 per kilowatt for shared facilities, up to 500 kWp, with a maximum of 10 kWp per residence. 

Note: The incentive amount is equal for consumers from all states, except the northeastern states and certain union territories.